What Are You Going to DO About It?
Glibness aside, it really is about time you ask yourself when you’re going to rise up against this system
We on the right side of the political spectrum are very guilty of this charge of willful apathy in the face of ever-increasing evil overtaking our society.
Conservatives have, for nearly two centuries now, failed to conserve much of anything of traditional value and function in our society. We’ve been reduced to cheering for “hot takes”, so-called “owning the libs” when some politician catches one of the purveyors of this degenerate rot in a gotcha moment – like as recently happened during the hearings for this government’s next Supreme Court justice when she failed to define what constitutes a woman, instead deferring to biologists to answer such a seemingly basic query. Even on the other side of the Pond, their conservatives in parliament are unwilling or unable to define a woman in our new age of dysgenic insanity.
I’ve already shown in a previous article how the legal system is against you, how you are no longer free, how elections no longer matter, and how the right are not revolutionaries –
So with all that in mind, what are you, dear reader, going to do about this situation?
Do you simply shrug and do your best to ignore the world around you, pretend it doesn’t affect you, and perhaps depending on where you live, it doesn’t impact you directly... yet. Meanwhile your kids are exposed to mass media and public education that tells them they are hated and worthless and they should either kill themselves or sexually mutilate their bodies in order to be happy.
Do you go out and buy a few more guns and a couple thousand rounds of ammo to add to your already growing stash of weaponry that you have zero intention of ever using (if you’re being honest with yourself), nor will you ever be able to use since your enemies won’t announce their attacks before they are breaking in your door and murdering you and your family for holding the wrong beliefs?
Do you get on your knees and pray harder, hoping that somewhere a higher power is listening and, will do what? Send angels down upon your enemies and wipe them out for you? Spoiler warning: millions of people have died over the last few thousand years of human history praying for the same outcome, for that same Deus ex Machina rescue at the final moment – when Good triumphs over Evil once and for all time.
No one is coming to save you; you’re not even willing to save yourselves. You continue to prop up and support a system that hates you and wants you and your children dead with your blind uninformed votes and sycophantic cheerleading of politicians who are loyal to foreign and corporate interests and not the interests of the American people.
No, there is only one solution, and that is unity. We absolutely must unite as a people against this system and all who support it and benefit from it. It will require you rethink some previously held biases, such as against concepts like collectivism as well as rethink previous unconditional defense and support of certain groups of people who are behind this social disharmony.
It will also require absolving yourself of those quaint notions of “equality of all men” which seeks to subvert your long ignored interests in favor of the interests of other smaller groups, propagandistically convincing you that their interests are just as valid while those groups and this government continue to demonize you and yours and make your lives much worse.
Unity, my brothers, is what we must achieve. We must all hang together, or surely, we will all hang separately.